Montag, 14.10.2024

Erstwählerinnen und Wähler aus Fulda vor der Europawahl: Rechtsruck, KI und Klimaschutz als Schwerpunktthemen


Maria Jung
Maria Jung
Maria Jung ist eine einfühlsame Journalistin, die mit ihrer Empathie und ihrem Feingefühl für zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen berührende Porträts zeichnet.

16- and 17-year-olds are now allowed to vote in the European elections for the first time, leading to various concerns and interests among young voters. A recent panel discussion at a European school in Fulda shed light on the topics and fears that are important to these young voters.

1.7 million adolescents in Germany and over 100,000 in Hesse are eligible to vote in the European elections. The Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule in Fulda, along with 33 other European schools in Hesse, organized a panel discussion to prepare young voters for the election. Young voters expressed concerns about the rise of right-wing and extremist movements in Europe, the impact of EU policies on daily life, and the need for stronger climate and energy policies in Europe.

Themen: Youth participation in the European elections, concerns about right-wing movements and extremist leaders in Europe, the impact of EU policies on young people’s lives, key issues such as climate policy, energy policy, and social diversity, the importance of engaging young voters in political decisions

Schlussfolgerungen und Meinungen: The participation of 16- and 17-year-olds in the European elections is a significant development, and it is important to address their concerns and interests in political discussions. There is an urgent need to engage young voters in shaping the future of Europe, especially on key issues such as climate policy, social diversity, and the impact of EU policies on their lives.


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